1·Constant price, better service, on the banquet, the best choice! Qingdao Seafood City.
2·Absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices, while growth rates are calculated at constant price.
3·In addition, the relationships between the quantity of composite product, the price of composite product, constant price index, current price index, true price index and inflation are presented.
4·Constant improvements mean that more features can be added to these products each year without increasing the price.
5·I have constant time access which is great, but I paid a price, which is I had to use up some space.
6·This might put an excessive burden on the network and on servers that are unlikely to be able to withstand constant polling from thousands or (the price of success) millions of users.
7·Liberalization of the price of goods has been stalled by constant state intervention in the areas of food, health care, and energy.
8·There is no phylloxera (yet) in Chile or South Australia, but quarantine and constant vigilance are the price.
9·His promise is now known as Moore's Law: every twelve to eighteen months, the processing power of computers doubles while price holds constant.
10·3 (Exercise) If both demand and supply have constant elasticity, compute the monopoly quantity and price.